Lower Back Pain in Men in Yuba City CA

According to a top Yuba City CA Chiropractor, more than 1/3 of men will have low back pain that affects their work. Here’s a test, if sitting for more than 35 minutes hurts your back your odds of developing low-back pain increase by two folds according to a study found in the 'Journal Spine'. There are four basic pains that come from the back:
Causes of Low Back Pain in YUBA CITY CA
- Facet Joint Pain-happens when injury to the synovial capsule takes place, a one-time incident, and worsens with sitting.
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain- this mostly occurs over one of the two low-back dimples and worsens with sitting for prolonged hours.
- Sciatic Nerve Pain- pain radiates from the upper buttocks and shoots down to the back of the knee or heel that worsens with sitting.
- Muscle Strain- muscle fatigue is common and presents as a general pain over the entire back, generally one sided, improves with exercise and worsens with sitting for prolonged hours.
It may sound counter intuitive to work out when your back hurts, but if the pain isn’t sever, exercise will help ease the hurt and also limit its return as it reduces inflammation. It’s important to strengthen your core and stay active, start with moderate activity like spinning, rowing, or yoga classes. Self-Care Managment is perhabs the first step to healthcare.
Still not better, then find the right ‘help-care-provider,’ whom will give the best advice and manage your pains: sometime physiatrist, neurologist, and spine surgeons tend to focus on their expertise. This can result in patients getting conflicting advice, seek a total rehabilitation spine specialist, who can offer the big picture diagnosis; stepping away from snap-shot ICDs. For patients, we first go conservative by considering Physical Therapy, Rehab, Prolotherapy, and other cares; then progress down the more invasive spectrum for pain management. If you have any questions call your Yuba City CA Chiropractor for help.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Pain Relief Chiropractor
362 N Walton Ave Unit A
Yuba City, CA 95993